More homozygous polled cattle

First of all, all the best for everyone in 2015!

A few days ago we got the results of the polled gentest from Bayer-daughter Jolene. To her name I can now add PP*. So genetics were kind to us: all in 2014 born calves who could possibly been homzygous polled came back with the result PP*. As I wrote in the last post we were really happy with the progenies of the UK born AI sires, who are mostly horned and that we’ll continue using them. I’m definatly holding on to this. On one hand with homozygous polled females we have more options in using them, since the progenies will always be polled. But on the other it’s probably better using homozygous polled AI sires expecially for the homozygous polled females, considering a lot of suckler cow farmers prefer homozygous polled herd bulls.

Anyway, the heifers are just 8, 6 and 3 months old, so there is plenty of time brooding over suitable AI sires for them…

Usually I keep my posts strictly about our farm and beef breeding. I’m not only a fan of UK AI bulls, but also of UK music. John Lennon says it better than I do:



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