Lot of news

Cause of my stay abroad in Switzerland (as an Erasmus exchange student at the Veterinary clinic in Berne for 12 weeks) I’m short of time to keep the webpage up to date. So there are a lot of news today.

1st) New calves were born:

Bess pp x Rocky PP- a male calf, wich is already castrated

Britta Pp x Hedetoft Vito PP – fortunately a female calf, named Elektra. Hopefully she’s homozygous polled.

Brenda PP x Lykke Atlantis Pp – I was looking forward to get this calf since I’ve ordered the semen. Unfortunately the female calf weighed 59 kg and was born death.

But we’re happy to have the first Vito progeny at Schrimpfengut!

2nd)On Saturday, 31st October the first „Beef Simmental Conference“ took place. (Article in German at: www.fleckvieh.at. Afterwards some breeders from Lower Austria and Henning Hansen, President of the Danish beef cattle Association, visited our farm.

3rd) Last week we sold our oldest Simmental cow for slaughter. Bummerin pp is the mother of Borgy and Bess, grandmother of Brenda Pp, Champion at the first young beef cattle show. An average calving interval of 252 days, 11 calves from 8 calvenings and every lactation there was only one AI necessary to get her in calf- enough reasons to be mentioned in an articel!

Next week I’m going back to Austria. Pictures of the youngest herd members will follow!


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